Sunday, 15 April 2012

Finished trailer

Our trailer begins with two idents; one conveys that the trailer is suitable for all audiences and the other is the Working Title ident. These two idents were extracted off YouTube. The first song, 'All My Loving' by The Beatles begins when the Working Title ident appears. This music conveys the two main themes, love and The Beatles, before the clips from the film are even shown. Some white and red text appears (the white text contrasts agains the black background and the red symbolises romance) saying 'There's nothing you can do... That can't be done.'. These are lyrics taken from 'All You Need Is Love by The Beatles. This is relevant because it is a love song and these lyrics are taken from the song our film is named after. We made the word 'you' red because it catches the audience's attention and makes them think these lyrics are about them so it's personal. 'Done' is one of the key words in these lyrics and therefore this was coloured in red too. When this text appears, a voiceover is used saying 'Paul and Lucy were the hottest couple in town'. This gives the audience an insight into what the film is about and giving the audience some background knowledge. This background information is further revealed in the next 4 shots. The first shot is Paul and Lucy holding hands walking down a street looking happy. The next two shots are Paul and Lucy talking and still looking happy. The fourth shot shows Paul and Lucy hugging each other. These shots clearly convey that Paul and Lucy were previously a happy couple. We used longer fade in fade out transitions here to convey that these were past memories. Next, some text comes up saying 'A Beatles-inspired romantic comedy'. The words 'Beatles', 'romantic' and 'comedy' are in red because these are the key words in this text. 'Beatles' is a main theme and 'romantic' and 'comedy' are the genres.
The next shot shows Paul and his friend playing video games as boys do. His friend introduces Paul to the Beatles and 'She Loves You' by The Beatles begins to be played. The way Paul's friend sings along to The Beatles also adds a comedy element. This scene quickly jumps into a scene of Paul and his friend in Paul's room reading magazines about the Beatles, conveying Paul's new obsession. 'Help' by the Beatles is played which could give the audience the impression that Paul needs 'help'. 2 other clips are shown of Paul by himself drawing a picture of a member of the Beatles and wearing Beatles-style glasses, further demonstrating his obsession. More text appears in the style of the previous text saying 'There's nothing you can know... that isn't known.' which is more lyrics from the song 'All You Need Is Love'. The narrator says 'Now he's caught in a new love interest' and 'When I Saw Her Standing There' by The Beatles begins to play. This song reinforces that Paul and Stella are meeting for the first time. A panning upward shot of Stella is shown in a music store conveying that she is the new love interest. This shot also reveals the problem that occurs in the storyline destroying the equalibrium. A shot of Paul walking into the music store is shown followed by Paul and Stella meeting. A longer fade in fade out transition is used to separate the time and setting of that clip and the next clip. The following clip pans out from a poster of The Beatles to a shot of Paul reading a magazine about The Beatles further revealing his obsession. A phone call sound effect is then played and a split screen shot occurs. The split screen shows Lucy at her house asking Paul if he is still meeting her later then Paul appears in his room letting her down. Paul's shot disappears and the audience is left with Lucy's half of the shot and she is looking disappointed. The fade out technique used also adds to the sad mood this shot is expected to evoke. A shot of Paul and his friend in Paul's room again is shown next and Paul is getting advice from his friend. He is unsure of whether to be with Stella or Lucy and his friend gives him advice. A comedy element as well as a Beatles theme is used in this shot when Paul's friend says "Lucy loves you" then they both say "yeah..." "yeah..." "yeah..."- this is a pun on the song 'She Loves You" by The Beatles. 'All You Need Is Love' by the Beatles begins to play as that scene fades out and more lyrics appear. The trailer then jumps to a shot of Paul and Stella at Paul's house looking at a Beatles CD and Paul is clearly acting off with Stella. This shot then fades out to the film's title and Stella says 'maybe we shouldn't be together', conveying that Stella and Paul do not stay together and the original equalibrium between Paul and Lucy may occur again. An image of London in black and white is used as the background image because this is where our film would be set and the title, 'All You Need Is Love', is in black, white and red font. The black and white matches the background and the red adds to the comedy element of the film's genres. The narrator says 'Working Title presents All You Need Is Love', reminding audience about the production company of the film. 'Coming Soon' then flashes up at the end making the audience aware of when they will be able to see the film.

Here are some positive points I have identified in our trailer:
  • Our use of text with the lyrics suits each shot well.
  • The music we have used clearly reflects the themes of our film perfectly (love and The Beatles).
  • We have been able to experiment with many different types of shots creating alot of variation.
  • Our use of costume was good because we used colour symbolism to convey the character's personalities (e.g. Stella wears red and red symbolises love and danger).
  • We made the characters dress similarly to how teenagers in this era dress, clearly conveying the time period.
  • Our idents make our trailer look more professional and realistic.

Here are some of my own criticisms and factors I would of changed if given the opportunity to recreate this trailer:
  • I would of liked to create our own ident so we can learn more skills on Motion.
  • The majority of our dialogue has low quality sound due to our microphones. For example, background noises were often picked up. I would of liked to of used higher quality microphones to prevent this.
  • We often had to use voiceovers due to our low quality sound from each clip and sometimes the voiceover wasn't in sync with the characters' mouth movements. This could of been prevented if we had used higher quality microphones.
  • Our transition effectss are not always consistent. There is sometimes too much variation with transitions making it look less professional.
  • In a few of the shots we took we noticed errors. For example, Paul's poster of The Beatles appeared to not have straight alignment on the wall. If we had the opportunity it would of been convenient to refilm these.
  • Due to our lack of experience with lighting, this often failed us. For example, in the shots of Lucy and Paul talking on the sofa, Paul in the mirror and Paul and Stella on the sofa, the lighting looked dull and sometimes added a yellow tinge.
  • Some of our shots didn't come out clear. For example, the shot of Stella in the CD shop was particularly blurry. We would of liked to refilm these shots too.
  • The sound effect of the phone ringing was louder than the rest of the trailer. Changing this would of made it sound more realistic.
  • Sometimes the dialogue isn't clearly heard over the music due to our microphone problems. For example, it is difficult to hear Paul's response to his friend playing 'She Loves You' by The Beatles to him because the music is so loud.
  • The text saying 'Coming Soon' at the end of the trailer flashes up very quickly and suddenly. The length of time that this text is shown for should of been extended to make it more clear to the audience.

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