I created an independent questionnaire using Microsoft Word made up of 20 questions and gave it out to 20 people. If I wanted to collect more valid and reliable data, I would have to use a bigger sample. I made my questionnaires anonymous so that people were less likely to be biased, making my data more valid. However, because I chose my friends to fill this in there may be a slight bias of kindness so they would not be as critical as strangers would be. If I was giving this questionnaire to a bigger sample I would also choose strangers to prevent this bias. The questionnaires also had set answers instead of them being open which means I could turn this data into charts quickly. Charts make the data clearer and makes the data quantitative. If I was going to collect more accurate results, I would make the questions open so the audience can write their own personal answers. However, this would be time consuming because I would have to read through all the qualitative data in order to gain an understanding of my audience. I also would not be able to turn this data into charts, making it harder to read. Qualitative data is also less reliable because you cannot repeat the experiment whereas if I lost my research, I could simply give out my closed question questionnaires and receive similar results.
Here is a copy of my questionnaire converted to a .PDF file and uploaded onto scribd.com:
Media Questionnaire
I asked the name and the gender of the audience so that I knew what target audience they were. I gave out my questionnaire to people who were interested in romantic comedies so that their answers would be useful to me as it is them that I'm trying to make my film appeal to. However, if this wasn't the case then my questionnaire will tell me what genres of film they usually watch. Everyone who did my questionnaire circled romance or comedy so this was convenient. Everyone I asked was also aged 15- 18 as this age group is easy to access at college but if I wanted more valid results I could of asked a larger sample of different ages. I showed the participants my film trailer, my poster and my film magazine cover before allowing them to fill the questionnaire in.
Trailer questions
Everyone who filled in my questionnaire knew that my film was partially the romance genre so we must of made these conventions clear. Not everyone thought this was comedy so it is likely we should of included more comedy conventions. When we were creating our film we were considering making it part of the drama genre too but this idea never followed through, however some of the audience who filled in this questionnaire thought it was which is interesting. If we were to add our film to the drama genre this could go unnoticed.
Most of the audience thought the target audience is 15- 18 which is good because 15 is our film's BBFC certificate. The age groups chosen also fitted our actual target audience which is also good. This means our film suits our target audience.
Most of the audience said they would pay to see this film. This is a positive response because this means the film would attract a large audience and therefore be successful. This also means that the trailer made most of the audience want to see the film and that it's purpose has succeeded.
An equal amount of people voted yes and no. It is good that people are already considering purchasing this film before they have viewed it. When people say no I have considered that they may have to see the film first before making their decision so overall this feedback is positive.
Most people said yes to this question meaning that they think their friends will like this too, expanding our audience. However, the large amount of no's makes me reconsider whether this response was good or not considering all the participants liked romantic comedies.
This is one of the most positive responses I have had. The music must be well-suited for our film so no changed would need to be made.
These responses surprised me because I was unhappy with how our filming and editing turned out. This feedback is good but I still think changes should of been made. I was unhappy with the filming because some of the shots did not come out the way we wanted them and I was unhappy with the editing because of the limited amount of time we had to edit. This limited time caused personal conflicts due to contrasting ideas and this slowed us down.
This response was very mixed. An equal amount of people gave it over and under 3 or 4 stars which is strange considering this does not match the previous data. However, the half that enjoyed the trailer make our film successful.
Overall from the audience feedback for our trailer the views are very mixed. They are mostly positive but I feel that if we were able to make the changes to our filming and our editing without the limited timing we would of got more positive reviews.
Film poster questions
Once again, every participant recognised that my film poster was for a film in the romance genre. However, they did not recognise that it had elements of comedy and 7 participants thought it was a drama. I should have made the comedy genre more clear on my film poster if I was able to redraft it.
The 15- 18 age group was the most dominant again which is good. All the answers selected fitted into our target audience meaning that my film poster would be successful in this aspect. I was surprised that more people selected 22- 27 than 19- 21 as my film is aimed at a younger audience than this but as The Beatles is an old band this is likely to be the reason why considering one of our film's main themes is The Beatles.
The majority of the people who took my questionnaire answered yes to this question which is a positive response. However, 7 people said no which is just over 1/4 of the applicants. I could of made my film more enticing by adding a newspaper/magazine review or using more exciting images and maybe a different background image.
This question had a more positive response than the one above. This could possibly be because their friends may be more interested in The Beatles or romantic comedies than themselves. Just over 1/4 of the applicants responded saying no again though which means I would consider the same changes as said above.
This question received a more positive response than I expected. I wasn't keen on my poster because I couldn't get a suitable background image which I feel made a huge difference to how professional my poster looked. However, this positive response shows that my film poster still appeals to this audience.
This is another one of the best responses I received. Every applicant thought my colour scheme was appropriate which I expected because I knew exactly what colours to use for the romance genre. If I was to redraft my film poster I would not change any of the colours I have selected.
My poster mostly received three stars which I would class as an average score. A few people thought it was four stars or above too which is positive. Once again I feel that the background image was the main cause of this because it made the poster lack professionalism. However, I did receive mostly positive responses which is great.
Magazine cover
This response is great considering the target audience for my magazine is females. No one said it was for males. One person said this magazine was for both which I do not see as a negative response because it means I'd have a larger readership according to them. This data shows that I have used female magazine conventions successfully.
I asked the participants to look at the advertisement of my film on the cover and guess the target age group of the film. This obtained similar results to what I got for the film poster which was what I was hoping for.
3/4 of the participants said they would purchase this magazine which was a great response. When looking at the 1/4 who said they wouldn't, it is important to consider whether this audience usually purchases film magazines. I could attracted a larger readership by adding enticements to the front cover or featuring more images of people engaging eye contact with the camera, catching the audience's attention. However, as film magazines are more popular with men, a female film magazine is a new idea which may need adjusting to.
This response is another one of the best responses I obtained. All but two of the participants said they would see this film after seeing this film on the magazine cover. This means I have advertised the film successfully on the front cover attracting a readership and an audience for the film.
This question received a fantastic response. Every participant agreed that this magazine is appropriate for girls, meaning that I have achieved female magazine conventions successfully.
This question was one of the least successful. The majority of participants said they would pay under £3 to purchase this magazine. My magazine would cost £3.95 and only one person said they would pay this amount. If I were to redraft my magazine cover it is likely that I would have to reduce its price to satisfy the target audience.
I received an overall positive outcome for this question. The majority of participants thought my magazine cover looked professional. I tried hard to make my magazine look as professional as I could with the skills I knew and had learned so if I wanted it to look more professional I could of taken better photos or used a background image more like film magazines like Empire and Total Film. It is likely I would of done this anyway if I were to redraft.
My magazine cover obtained the highest star rating out of all my individual pieces as the majority of participants gave it five stars. Therefore if I were to redraft all my practical pieces I would focus more on the other two pieces of work than my magazine cover. I expected this result because my magazine cover is the piece of work I feel most confident about when considering how professional it looks.
All the results from my questionnaire convey that my work is to a good enough standard to appeal to the majority of the participants. This feedback has made me realise what changes I may of had to make if I were to do further work on my media. Overall I am satisfied with the feedback I received and this has been convenient because if I were to create this media in a more professional aspect then I would have a better idea of what my target audience want.
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