Monday, 23 April 2012

Evaluation- How did you use new media technologies in the evaluation stages?

In my evaluation the only resource I had was my laptop because all of my evaluation was completed at home. I tried to include as many media products as I could; written blogs, photos taken by us, images found online, charts, personal webcam videos and videos found on YouTube.

For my first evaluation question, 'In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products', I divided it up into three separate blogs focusing on different parts of the question. One focused on the use of forms and conventions, one focused on development and the other focused on challenging. In my blog about using forms and conventions I filmed myself using the built-in webcam on my Toshiba laptop then edited it using Windows Live Movie Maker. The camera and the microphone on my webcam are not very high quality so if I wanted to create a higher quality video I could of used my digital camera or even a handycam or XL2 like we did for filming our trailer. Making these videos and editing them was very time consuming so I decided to just create two of them. From making these videos, I refreshed my skills on Windows Live Movie Maker. As these video blogs were only home-made, I did not think it was necessary to edit them on Final Cut Pro because using such a professional programme would be even more time consuming. I used a video I had found on YouTube of The Beatles performing 'All You Need Is Love'. Using my own personal video blogs showed some of my editing skills when using basic editing software and the YouTube videos conveyed my knowledge of using HTML because I was able to embed these YouTube videos onto my blog. Most of the images I had used, apart from my screenshots, were found on Google Images and these convey my knowledge of using search engines. These images were relevant to what I was writing about. I created my own screenshots using the print screen button on my laptop and circled the adverts I found on the film magazine websites using Paint as it is quick and simple to use.
For my second blog I focused on the development of forms and conventions that I had used in my media products. I used an image of The Beatles which I found on Google Images to convey the theme of our film and to show how The Beatles used to dress. I also used a photo I had taken myself of me, Josh and Mollie which conveys what me, Mollie and Josh wore on my poster/magazine cover and in our trailer. The other two images I used were magazine covers which I had chosen from Google Images. I used these two images to show which conventions from each genre of magazine I had selected to include in my own magazine cover. I also embedded our trailer into this blog to add some media variety.
For my third blog addressing how I had challenged forms and conventions of media products, all the images I used (apart from the photo of me and Mollie which I had directed myself) were taken from Google Images. The images I used were all relevant to what I was writing about and it gives further imagery and understanding to the reader. I used the image of me and Mollie which belonged to me so that one of my own images was used creating some originality.

For my next evaluation question, 'How effective is the combination of your main product and ancilliary texts', I only used two images. I used my film poster so that when I was talking about the creation process it could be referred back to visually. I also used an image of a heart which I had discovered on Google Images. I cropped this heart slightly on Paint as it has a large white space around it which I wanted to remove to make it fit in better with my blog.

For my evaluation question about audience feedback, "what have you learned from your audience feedback?", I conducted my own research by creating a questionnaire on Microsoft Word, printing it out using a printer, then photocopying it using a photocopier. When I received my results, I created charts using Microsoft Excel. I have experienced using Microsoft Excel before but I had not used it for years so I had to look up some tutorials on Google in order to refresh my memory. My knowledge quickly came back and I was able to make many charts which made the results from my questionnaires clear and easier to understand.

In this final evaluation question, "How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?" I only used images which I had found on Google Images as I did not feel that any other media technologies were necessary. However, I did separate this question into individual blogs again to make them look aesthetically pleasing and organised.

The main technology I used throughout my whole blog was this website, Since using Blogger again, I have adjusted to the new interface and also learned new techniques such as how to insert HTML. I used Blogger for my media coursework last year so I was already familiar with most of the tools and I was able to refresh my memory and regain my skills quickly. Blogger is convenient because you can save posts into drafts and finish them when you have the time instead of having to publish them straight away.  You can also add any HTML, images, videos and text. It is easy to personalise and with the help of blogger I have managed to make my blog look exactly how I would like it.

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