Tuesday 20 September 2011

Codes & conventions of magazine covers

Codes and conventions are the rules and regulations of how to make a media product. Conventions are what you would expect to find in a media product and where.

Conventions of a magazine can include:
  • Types of articles and where you would expect them to be
  • How many images
  • What types of images
  • Double page spreads (these could feature big pictures, a title, a standfirst, columns, both pages on the same topic and pull quotes)
  • Enticements (such as competitions or free gifts)
  • Magazine cover (would feature a masthead, text such as sub-headings and pull quotes, images, barcode, price and date)
  • Advertisements
Codes of a magazine can include anything purely visual such as:
  • Pictures
  • Colours
  • Layout
  • Font (serif or sans serif)

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