Tuesday 6 December 2011

Weather & Lighting

As it is winter at the moment, we have less daylight hours which will affect our lighting so we have to be careful about when we film the shots to make sure our shots have the correct lighting conditions. We have decided to film between 11am and 3pm as this is when it is most bright outside and we will start by filming our outdoor scenes where we need the best lighting possible. As some of the shots at Joe's house and my house are meant to be set in the evening, the possibility of it being dark outside does not matter because we will have the correct lighting conditions as well as having lighting indoors.

As well as the lighting conditions, we need to consider the weather as it is cold at the moment and it rains frequently and this could result in hazardous conditions. I have checked the weather forecast for our filming day (Friday, 9th December) and according to BBC Weather it will be mostly sunny and the temperature will be 6°c. This means that our filming can take place then as the weather conditions will be appropriate for the setting of our film as well as not being hazardous to my filming group, the actors and our equipment. However, BBC Weather also says it will be raining the evening before our filming day so the ground may still be damp and weather websites are not always reliable so we will have to consider this and assess the situation on the day of our filming. Ideally we would like to set our Chalkwell Park scenes on dry ground and the best lighting conditions possible so if the conditions are otherwise then we may have to reconsider our filming day in the park but the scenes in Joe's house and my house could still take place.

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