Thursday 8 December 2011


Our media teacher allowed us to leave the classroom and experiment with lighting. We looked at how the lighting affects the subject of the camera shot at certain angles. For example, when the light comes from behind the subject it makes them appear to be a dark figure (this would be great for more dramatic and dynamic genres of films such as horror) but when the lighting is coming from in front of the subject it highlights them completely making them fully visible to the camera.
If there is insufficient natural lighting there are ways to change this so the lighting is adequate. For example, you could use professional lighting equipment that can light up the subject from any chosen angle or if you don't have access to this you could use other methods (that may be less effective) such as shining light off reflective surfaces and onto your subject using easily accessible items like mirrors or tin foil.

For our filming, we are filming outdoors around midday when the best lighting is available but when we are indoors we will have to consider how we will create good lighting as indoor lighting usually does not look as good on the camera. We will be considering the above methods when we do our filming.

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