Tuesday 6 December 2011

Character Blog: Paul

Paul is the main character of All You Need Is Love. He's a teenager aged 19, who's romantically linked to Lucy, who he's been dating for 6 months prior to the story. Pauls quite vain and self centered at times, and cares more about himself than anyone else a lot of the time. Despite this, he's still quite a pleasant and charismatic person. He's quite artistic, often writing poems, music and creating art. Paul shows a disregard for others feelings when he lies and changes his mind about plans to ones he supposedly cares about. He's portrayed as absent minded and quite fickle, choosing one girl then another due to one link in common. After starting to listen to The Beatles Paul shows some obsessive personalities. It's clear that Paul is impressionable as he's influenced by his friend on numerous times throughout the film. Despite not caring about each others, Paul is quite emotional himself seen after he visibly regrets a lot of his decisions and is quite sad when he knows he's upset Lucy.

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