Tuesday 15 November 2011


Our film is called 'All You Need Is Love' and it is a romantic comedy. We have chosen this genre of film because it is a popular genre of film which appeals to many different ages and both genders. Our film is a romantic comedy because it has a romantic storyline (a boy and a girl in love, the boy goes off with another girl then returns to the first girl in the end) and it will feature comedy elements with exaggerated, dramatic scenarios.
Our film will be BBFC certficate 12 because it may include some strong language. The target audience will be teenagers and young adults but the storyline would be suitable for everyone as it is easy to relate to and entertaining. Our film would appeal to males and females as its forms of distribution will not be aimed at a specific gender. It would be released in February as our film is a romantic comedy and our audience would be interested in watching it due to Valentine's Day being in February.
Our actors will not be well-known so if we were to distribute this it is likely that not as much interest would be shown by our target audience compared to films with well-known actors. However, we have chosen suitable actors to make the characters more effective. We are going to match the costumes to the characters' personalities; for example, Paul will dress like a member of The Beatles to convey his love for the Beatles and the girls will wear colours suited to their personality through colour symbolism.
We have chosen this target audience because it is the main target audience that goes to the cinema and is the main age group that produces the most box office sales. To attract the audience enough advertisement would have to be done. Preferably more on the television and internet as that is what our target audience mostly uses.
We also have no particular budget but we have free access to cameras such as the Canon XLH1, a tripod and editing software which is available at college such as Final Cut Pro. 
Our locations will include cafes, a girl's bedroom and a boy's bedroom, Southend high street and we will come up with other locations nearer the time. We will have to be aware of the time that we film as we want all our shots to be in the correct lighting conditions.

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